Life Is Like Man and God Dancing Together

28 August 2019
Thoughts about dancing and the mission of the ensemble from Debrecen – WITH GALLERY

“Life is like man and God dancing together. In dancing there is the leader, and if the partner follows the steps, then the dance will be harmonic and joyful. This dance, called life is led by God.” This is how Fr. András Törő, the priestly representative of the Diocese of Debrecen Nyíregyháza sees the work of the Hajdú Folk Dance Ensemble.

Last week the dance ensemble has represented Hungary in a dance festival, the message of which manifested in the meeting of the nations and in placing the cultural values into present times. But there is a spirituality behind the competition held in Turkey, of which we asked Zsuzsa Tiszai, the leader of the ensemble:

“Dance is a world language, a form of communication, that arches over nations, cultures and religions. It stands over the world as an umbrella, and in this complexity, it lets us to see the simple, heart binding message of love. Living and passing on this love through the dance is the driving force of the ensemble, which is nourished by the faith. From a faith, which is not occasional, but the base of our everyday decisions.”

The members of the Hajdú Folk Dance Ensemble of Debrecen are the messengers of this faith worldwide. The testimony, with which they carried the news of the International Eucharistic Congress meant a significant part of their journey in Turkey. Why did they choose this mission? Living the Hungarian derring-do, the traditional appearance and the vocation is an art, which also carries in itself the reality of the Christian road. This is the point, where the Congress and the living, “lifelike” message of the ensemble meet.

In the September of 2020 the Hajdú invites the nations of the world to dance, so that in each and every movement of theirs we may recognise the presence of God, who is present among us in the Eucharist.


Photo: Marcsi Ambrus

Source: Eszter Szilágyi /IEC