7th Worldwide Adoration and prayer on 21st November!

27 October 2020
Register online or join a venue at corpusdomini.iec2020.hu!

His Eminence, Cardinal Péter Erdő, Primate, Archbishop of Esztergom-Budapest and the General Secretariat of the 52nd International Eucharistic Congress (IEC2020) invite the faithful around the world again to a common prayer and adoration on Saturday of the Feast of Christ the King, on 21 November 2020. This time, with regard to the pandemic, participants can also join in from home with individual prayer, rosary and reading of the Bible, and indicate their participation, by giving their names and postal codes on the event's website, corpusdomini.iec2020.hu that is available in eight languages.

Cardinal Péter Erdő invites participants with the following words:

Jesus Christ, when saying farewell to His disciples, sent them into the whole world to proclaim the gospel. He promised to be with them „always, until the end of the age”. He is with us in his teaching, in his mercy, in his sacraments, but most specially in the celebration of the Eucharist and in the Blessed Sacrament, that we adore outside the Holy Mass, too. Saturday of the Feast of Christ the King, on 21 of November, we invite everyone for a worldwide adoration, again. In the current epidemic, participants can also join in from their homes with their personal prayers. Take part, you too, in this common adoration, join in with your parish, your community and your family! Let this worldwide adoration be the next station of our preparation for the 52nd International Eucharistic Congress in Budapest, and let us relive the regenerating love of God.

Every year, on the vigil of the feast of Christ the King and the Saturday of the week of Corpus Domini, a Worldwide Adoration is held, as both feasts are closely connected with the Eucharist. Over the past three years of the Worldwide Adoration, there has been a steady increase in the number of participants and venues, which is nicely outlined on the world map on the website.

Last November, believers prayed together in 1118 locations in 54 countries to get as many people as possible to meet Jesus, King of the Universe. This year, in the current epidemiologic we are praying for each other to strengthen our faith and to live a Christian life that is a witness for God.

The 52nd International Eucharistic Congress will be held in September next year in Budapest, and one of the main goals of it is to testify about the love of God.

This will be really powerful if many of us come. We count on you, too!

Until then, let us pray for each other in front of the Blessed Sacrament in thousands of churches and in our homes all over the world for an hour, on Saturday of the Feast of Christ the King, on 21st of November. Join us!

Please help organize the adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in your parish or community and register online or join a venue at corpusdomini.iec2020.hu!

Photo: Tamas Papp

IEC Secretariate